Medical Student Scholarships

We value training and supporting the workforce of the future. We have a generous endowment and are pleased to offer scholarships to medical students in Northwest based medical schools. Please see the link below for information about our scholarship funds and requirements.

The TFME Medical Scholars Program strives to

  • Enhance professional development of student physicians
  • Reduce the cost of medical education
  • Promote future practice in Oregon.

The 2024 TFME Scholar program will provide six (6) medical school scholarships in the amount of $5,000.00 each. TFME Scholars are invited to participate in the TFME professional development programs including distinguished lectureships on health policy and healthcare, the Physician Well-Being Conference and other TFME programs related to professional skills enhancement and medical excellence.

2/26/24 – Applications are now closed. Stay tuned for the list of our 2024 scholarship recipients!

If you have questions about the scholarships please e-mail Dr. Singer at

2023 Medical Scholarship recipients gathering in May 2023

2023 TFME and TFME Northwest Permanente Scholarship Recipients

March 28, 2023. For more information, please contact the Foundation.

Walter McDonald Scholarship: Johanna Wilson

I am from Bogota, Colombia, and came to the US about a decade ago to pursue my bachelor’s degree at the University of Portland. I love sculpting, drawing, and exploring hiking trails and the incredible PNW with my daughter and family. I am passionate about diversity and inclusion and have led projects at local and national levels where increasing diversity in the future medical workforce has been the goal. Some of the projects include Pay It Forward, an OHSU mentoring program where underserved premed mentees are paired with medical students to guide them through their journey to medical school. I also have started a non-profit organization called Equity, period., which focuses on providing free, quality, and safe period products to people who can’t afford them (see more at Lastly, I hope to graduate from OSHU next year and become an Ob/Gyn one day to continue serving the most underserved through the lens of reproductive health and holistic well-being.

Warren Jones Scholarship: Mackenzie (“Kenzie”) Whitcomb

Kenzie Whitcomb is a medical student at Oregon Health & Science University. Originally from Colorado, she graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a bachelor’s degree in Integrative Physiology. She plans to pursue a career in emergency medicine with a particular interest in addiction medicine. In her free time, you will find her outside skiing, running, or chasing down her not-so-well-trained dog, Murphy.

NWP/TFME Scholarship: Antonio Maldonado-Liu

Antonio was born and raised in Portland, OR, and graduated from Santa Clara University with a degree in Bioengineering. He spent time during his undergraduate career and gap years serving as an assistant coach to a local high school dragon boat team and working with at-risk youth in his community. He is also a competitive outrigger canoe and dragon boat racer. He has a passion for mentoring and educating young people, and plans to pursue a career in pediatrics.

Joseph Bloom Scholarship: Taryn Norris

I was born and raised in Oregon. Prior to medical school, I worked in account management for a telecommunications company. I have three kids, and on my time off, I most enjoy spending time with my family. My ultimate goal is to practice psychiatry in an underserved area in Oregon.

John Ulwelling Scholarship: Nelly Nouboussi

I’m originally from Cameroon. I moved to the US at the age of 14 and have been in Oregon ever since so it is my second home. I love dancing, cooking, hanging out with friends and traveling to visit my family back home. I hope to match into a general surgery program next year!

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